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Accreditation FAQs
Frequently-asked Questions on CME/CE Participation
For questions on credits or contact hours, contact the Accreditation Testing Staff via email at [email protected] or by phone (toll-free) at 1-800-423-2308.
For questions regarding subscriptions, orders, address changes, and test form requests, contact Subscriber Services via email at [email protected] or by phone (toll-free) at 1-800-423-2308.
- Where are the test questions and how do I complete the pre- and post-tests?
Test questions are located on the last page of the written summary, and are used for both pre- and post-testing. To submit a test for scoring, participants must follow Steps 2 (pre-test) and 5 (post-test) in the online process, or utilize printed test/evaluation forms. Participants complete the pretest beforeand the post-test afterlistening to the audio and reviewing the written summary. - What can I do online at www.audiodigest.org
- Download and/or listen to lectures
- Complete your pre- and post-tests
- Review your credit history
- Print your CME or CE certificates
- Update your address
- How can the new ADF Mobile App make it more convenient for me to earn CME/CE?
- Access all your audio programs and written summaries on your iPad®, iPhone® or iPod®
- Read the written summary while listening to the audio
- Take CME/CE tests and submit them for credit
- Receive automatic alerts to download the latest releases
- Listen and read offline after downloading the content
- How do I earn CME credits or CE contact hours for participating in an Audio-Digest activity?
To earn CME/CE credits or CE contact hours, participants must take a pretest, thoroughly review the program content, and achieve 80% or greater on the post-test. (Note: ODs must achieve 70% or greater on the post-test to receive CE credit.) - How many CME credits or CE contact hours do I receive for an Audio-Digest program?*
For each Audio-Digest program completed successfully, participants may claim up to 2 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or 2.0 Nursing CE contact hours (except for ACCEL programs, for which participants may claim up to 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits or 4.0 Nursing CE contact hours). CRNAs may claim 1.0 CE credit for each AD Anesthesiology program completed successfully. ODs may claim 1.0 CE credit for successfully completing each AD Ophthalmology program that has been submitted for and received COPE approval. Psychologists may claim 2.0 CE credits for each AD Psychiatry or AD Psychology program completed successfully. For each DiabetesInsight program completed successfully, Registered Dietitians or Dietetic Technicians, Registered may claim up to 2 CPEUs, and Certified Diabetes Educators may claim up to 2 clock hours of CE.
*The above information refers to Audio-Digest subscription series courses; these programs typically include a 1-hour audio presentation and accompanying study/test materials. Audio-Digest Board Review courses and Audio-Digest MOC Self-Assessment activities are individually designated for CME/CE credit; refer to program materials for specifics. - For what time period do Audio-Digest programs qualify for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or CE contact hours?*
For CME and Nursing CE, AD programs qualify for credit for 35 months from each issue's publication date.
For CRNAs, AD Anesthesiology qualifies for 1 year from the volume's end date. (eg, All 2014 programs [Vol 56, Issues 1-48] expire 12/31/15.)
*The above information refers to Audio-Digest subscription series programs and Audio-Digest Board Review courses. Qualifying time periods/expiration dates may differ for other Audio-Digest programs, such as AD MOC Self-Assessment activities; refer to program materials for details. - What are educational objectives and where are they located?
Educational objectives provide an overview of learning goals and activity content. They are located on page 1 of the written summary and the first viewing page of the online activity. - Can paper test/evaluation forms be copied?
No. Copies, summary sheets (ie, last page of written summary containing the questions), and scanned, computer-generated, or otherwise altered test forms are not accepted for credit and will be discarded. Test/evaluation forms are free for paid subscribers upon request. Non-subscribing participants may purchase forms by contacting Subscriber Services at 1-800-423-2308 (allow 15 business days for forms to arrive). - What information is required on my test/evaluation form before submitting for credit?
Required information includes your name, address, and title (this information is preprinted for subscribers). Additionally, all participants must bubble in the correct service (eg, AN, FP), volume, and issue. - How can I submit my tests?
- Take tests online. Credit available instantly. Certificate may be printed out online via ADF's OnDemand Certificate Generation service.
- Mail in tests. Allow 10-15 business days* for processing. Certificate may be printed out online or requested after processing time.
- Fax tests to 1-800-544-7797. Allow 7-10 business days* for processing. Retain original test form and fax confirmation. Certificate may be printed out online or requested after processing time.
*Note: Tests submitted between November and January may require longer processing times.
- How does Audio-Digest Foundation score and store test data?
ADF scores your tests using both automated systems and manual entry. Your credits are then stored in our database for later cumulative certificate printing. - What is the deadline to submit test/evaluation forms to earn CME/ CE credit or CE contact hours for a given calendar year?
The submission deadline is December 31st of the year in which you wish the credit recorded. - When will I receive my CME/CE certificate?
For your convenience, and in an effort to Go Green, Audio-Digest encourages you to take advantage of our OnDemand Certificate Generation service. Any time you want - day or night - you can print out your CME/CE certificate of credits earned, and customize the certificate for a specific time period or for specific programs, simply by accessing your account online at www.audiodigest.org
If at any time, you would prefer to have us print and mail a certificate to you, you can request this service by emailing [email protected] or by calling 1-800-423-2308. - Can Audio-Digest Foundation send my CME/CE certificate to my state board or other licensing body?
ADF sends certificates to the participant only. (As a courtesy upon your request, we can provide you with additional copies to be submitted to boards and/or licensing bodies.). ADF also provides direct reporting of MOC Self-Assessment credits to the American Board of Anesthesiology® (ABA), the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) on behalf of diplomates who subscribe to this service.
For questions on credits or contact hours, contact the Accreditation Testing Staff via email at [email protected] or by phone (toll-free) at 1-800-423-2308.
For questions regarding subscriptions, orders, address changes, and test form requests, contact Subscriber Services via email at [email protected] or by phone (toll-free) at 1-800-423-2308.